Corporal Duncan Campbell McCrostie #22272 - 100 Years of WW1 Commemoration:

Corporal Duncan Campbell McCrostie #22272 – Wellington Infantry Battalion: Born 3 rd July 1896 to James & Mary McCrostie of Otahuti. Duncan was last of 4 children. Duncan as a young man heading off to war (photo kindly supplied by family) At time of signing up to WW1, Duncan was a Clerk in Invercargill for J. McAlister Ltd and living at 8 Eye St, Invercargill. He enlisted on 4/5/1916, joining the 2 nd Wellington Infantry Battalion, proceeding overseas on 16/11/1916, a Private with the 16 th Reinforcements, J Company. On 5/6/1917 Duncan was attached to the NZ Wing of the 2 nd ANZAC Reinforcements. Then by 22/4/1918 he was appointed to the position of Lance Corporal, and not long after this, he was reprimanded for disorderly conduct. However just a few months later on 15/8/1918, Duncan won a medal for ‘Conspicuous Gallantry’, for his efforts in battle on 23/7/1918. (see attached citation for details of the awarded medal). It was a...