Southland NZ, Anniversary Day – some brief history of our Province and this day:

Today - the Tuesday after Easter is the ‘new’ date the Anniversary of Southland, NZ, is observed. TYPICAL EARLY SOUTHLAND SCENE: "Dad" Chilton, cutting oats with a horse-drawn binder in a paddock behind 'Vale View' their property by Otautau, early 1900's (photo kindly donated by Peter & Audrey Campbell - no known Copyright Restrictions) See here for photos and information on Southland today: Today being the Southland Anniversary Day, is only a new development and one which was recently bought into being after much protest and plea’s from a large portion of Southland/Murihiku’s residents. The original day had been observed on 1 April, a date just after it was finally founded as its own province in 1861. This day of celebration was considered annoying by many of the province’s modern peoples, as it was close to both Easter and ANZAC and only a single day holiday. By sheer sense of purpose and pig-headedness, many started...